Thursday, January 19, 2006

Bersani: TR Quotes

1954: III, 900-901 (3)

‘ “Only the subjective impression, however inferior the material may seem to be and however improbable the outline, is a criterion of truth...’ (III,880) for it is an immediate individual response to the world.” (211)

III, 872-5; cf. Bersani: 214

III, 889: Bersani sees “a certain confusion of strictly temporal analogies with descriptive metaphors” in this passage which he calls “the central passage on metaphorical activity.” (226)
• “An hour is not merely an hour. It is a vase filled with perfumes, sounds, plans and climates. What we call reality is a certain relationship between these sensations and the memories which surround us at the same time...” (III, 889)
discussion of “instants profonds” (Tadié) on page 227, which are those ephiphanic moments that aren’t instances of involuntary memory, such as Hawthornes or Martinville steeples


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